
全球金融危机下我国汽车工业的发展 被引量:3

Understanding of the Automotive Industry in China in the Global Financial Crises
摘要 介绍了全球金融危机对世界汽车制造业带来的冲击和影响,基于我国汽车工业发展现状,结合《汽车产业政策》和"十一五发展规划"中对汽车产业未来发展提出的具体措施和发展战略,从4个方面阐述了我国汽车工业面临的挑战和机遇,指出金融危机下,我国汽车工业要积极落实相关政策,优化资源配置,提高自主创新能力和整体实力水平,实现我国汽车工业的可持续发展。 The big impact and influence to automotive industry in the world brought by global financial crises is introduced. Based on the development status of the automotive industry in China, combined with the〈Auto Industrial Policy〉and auto industry measures and development strategy in the future put forward by the Eleventh Five-year Plan, the challenges and opportunities of the automotive industry in China is discussed. In the global financial crises, related policies must be positively carried out in the automotive industry in China. Optimize resource allocation, improve independent innovation and overall strength, and achieve continuous development in the automotive industry in China.
出处 《天津汽车》 2009年第3期17-20,共4页 Tianjin AUTO
关键词 金融危机 汽车工业 发展对策 Financial crises Automotive industry Development countermeasures
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