目的检测眼底无视网膜病变糖尿病患者的多焦视网膜电图(muhifocol electroretinogram,mf-ERG),评价其在糖尿病患者早期视网膜功能改变中的作用。方法应用mf-ERG检测30例(56只眼)正常对照组和32名(58只眼)无眼底镜下可查见的视网膜病变的糖尿病患者。对两组mf-ERG中a波和b波的潜伏期、振幅总和以及b波的振幅密度进行分析比较。结果在糖尿病组,除0环和颞下象限之外,b波的潜伏期均明显延迟,而a波和b波振幅总和及b波的振幅密度减低主要集中在黄斑周围区域(0-1环)和颞上象限,差别有统计学意义(P〈0.05)。结论mf-ERG能在DR出现之前客观定量地评定视网膜功能的变化程度和范围。
Objective To evaluate the effect ofmultifocal electroretinogram (mf-ERG)in detecting the early retinal abnormalities in diabetic patients without retinopathy.Methods mf-ERG were recorded on each eye of 30 normal control subjects( 56 eyes )and 32 diabetic patients without retinopathy( 58 eyes).The amplitude and implicit time of each local retinal response were derived and compared between the control and diabetics without retinopathy.Results In diabetic patients without retinopatby,the implicit time ofb wave were increased significantly except to ring 0 and inferior-temporal quadrant, the overall amplitudes of a wave and b wave and response densities of b wave were reduced in central two rings and superior-temporal quadrant (P 〈0.05 ).Conclusion The early changes of retinal function in diabetic eyes without retinopathy can be detected objectively and quantitatively by the mf-ERG even before retinopathy.
Chinese Journal of Practical Ophthalmology