
基于网络的嵌入式机器人视觉系统研究 被引量:1

The Embedded Robot Vision System Based on Network Video Technology
摘要 课题研究使用嵌入式技术构建了一个支持网络访问的机器人视觉系统,机器人能够将采集到的视频信号,进行具有较高压缩比的MPEG-4编码,通过无所不在的网络,传送给INTERNET上的"主人",同时"主人"可以通过发送控制信号,调整机器人视觉角度,焦距,遥控机器人"行走",对家庭状况实时直播,实现家庭安全监控的目的,甚至可以通过增加传感器对病患进行监护,作为医院的自动医护机器人。该系统设计基于普适计算的概念,目标是构建的机器人能够融入家庭生活,通过无处不在的网络提供信息和服务。 The subject is studied and uses embedded technology to set up a robot vision system, to capture the video signal, then encode to MPEG-4 video and browsed by user on INTERNET. At the same time, user can send the control signal to change the vision tilt, pan, zoom, even tclecontrol walking. The live video broadcast can help person monitor house security; even nursing patient by plus tile physiological sensor. So can be a good nursing robot. Under pervasive computing concepts, the system design to produce a oriented personal service robot, that can service for family by ubiquitous networks.
出处 《微计算机信息》 2009年第11期262-263,305,共3页 Control & Automation
关键词 嵌入式技术 机器视觉 网络视频 普适计算 Embedded technology Machine vision Network video Pervasive Computing or Ubiquitous Computing
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