目的观察4月龄C57BL/6 J小鼠海马CA1区、CA3区锥体细胞层及齿状回颗粒细胞层细胞数目及体积。方法雄性4月龄C57BL/6 J小鼠12只。应用Optical D isector方法观察海马CA1区、CA3区锥体细胞层及齿状回颗粒细胞层细胞数目;Nucleator方法观察细胞平均体积;应用Cava-lieri方法计算CA1区、CA3区锥体细胞层及齿状回颗粒细胞层体积。结果4月龄雄性C57/6 J小鼠海马CA1区锥体层体积为(577.6±45.15)×106μm3;锥体细胞数目为(179.0±9.64)×103;锥体细胞平均体积为((1344.4±175.69)μm3。海马CA3区锥体层体积为(471.1±29.01)×106μm3;锥体细胞数目为(139.8±5.91)×103;锥体细胞平均体积为(1458.5±138.94)μm3;海马DG区颗粒细胞层体积为(467.4±18.74)×106μm3;颗粒细胞数目为(316.5±14.4)×103;颗粒细胞平均体积为(449.0±36.43)μm3。结论本实验应用体视学技术及国际先进的体视学系统对C57BL/6 J小鼠海马神经元数目与体积进行了无偏估计,为相关研究提供参考与借鉴。
Objective To get unbiased estimation of pyramidal cell number, average pyramidal cell volume of pyramidal layers of both CAI&CA3 subregions; and to get unbiased estimation of granular cell number, average granular cell volume of granular layer of dentate gyrus subregion. Methods We used Optical Disector and Fractionator for cell counting, Nucleator for average cell volume, and Cavalieri methods for volume of pyramidal layers of both CA1 &CA3 subregions and granular layer of dentate gyrus subregion. Results The volume of pyramidal layer of CA1 was (577.6 ± 45.15) × 10^6 μm^3,pyramidal cell number of pyramidal layer in CA1 subregion was ( 179.0 ± 9.64) × 10^3,the average pyramidal cell vol- ume of CA1 was ( 1344.4 ± 175.69) μm^3 ; The volume of pyramidal layer of CA3 was (471.1 ±29.01 )× 10^6 μm^3, the pyramidal cell number of pyramidal layer in CA3 subregion was ( 139.8 ± 5.91 )× 10^3, the average pyramidal cell volume of CA3 was ( 1458.5 ± 138.94) μm^3 ; The volume of granular cell layer in dentate gyrus subregion was (467.4 ± 18.74) × 10^6 μm^3 , the granular cell number of granular cell layer in dentate gyrus subregion was (316.5 ± 14.4)× 10^3 , the average granular cell volume of dentate gyrus subregion was (449.0 ± 36.43)μm^3. Conclusion: we estimated neuronal number and average cell volume of 4 months old C57BL/6J mice hippocampus unbiasedly using advanced stereologic system and provided suggestion and tips for further research.
Chinese Journal of Stereology and Image Analysis