The function of urine transport by the upper urinary tract depends on both the tube function and the pump function of the upper urinary tract, and is also affected by vesical compliance. Clinically emphasis was mainly focussed on the tube function when a dilated upper urinary tract was evaluated. The pump function of the upper urinary tract was not well known because of lack of tests or techniques to measure it. Presently transport function was evaluated in 26 adult patients by constant pressure perfusion (CPP) test and constant pressure perfusion pyelography. It was found that the pattern and the efficiency of urine transport by the upper urinary tract depended on the urine volume to be managed, and that CPP test measured well not only the tube function but also the pump function and the effect of vesical filling on upper urinary tract urodynamics. It is believed that CPP test might become a very useful means for the study of urodynamics and urine transport of the upper urinary tract.
Chinese Journal of Urology