
法国创新历史对我国创新型国家创建的启示 被引量:17

Analysis on French History in Innovation for the Creation of Innovative Country of China
摘要 法国是一个具有创新传统的国度,目前是世界第五经济和科技大国。本文对法国200多年来在科技创新方面取得的成就和经验教训作了系统的分析。法国经历过两个创新辉煌时代,使其在核能、航空、航天、高速铁路和农业等方面今天仍是处于世界领先地位;不过法国在以信息技术为核心的第四次科技革命浪潮中丧失了机会,2004年初法国爆发的全国范围的科技人员抗议浪潮暴露了科研体制上存在的问题;目前政府正在努力采取措施,冀望解决创新中存在的问题,进一步加强法国企业竞争力、重新推动法国经济增长。今天,增强自主创新能力,建设创新型国家是中国立足国情、面向未来的重大选择。我们从法国200多年丰富的创新史看到,没有哪个国家能不依靠自主创新而立于不败之地的,即使她已经拥有了雄厚的科技和经济基础。法国的科技和经济管理体制在很多方面与我国类似,其成功经验和失败教训对我们都具有现实的指导意义。 France,the fifth largest in the world regarding to economy and science,is a country with the tradition of innovation.This article analyzes systematically the achievements and the experiences of France since 200 years in science and technology innovation.Through two glorious periods for innovation,France is now leader in the fields of such as nuclear,aviation,aerospace,express railway and agriculture.However,France failed in catching the opportunity of development in the forth tidal wave of science and technology revolution,in which information technology is the kernel.The academic protest nation-wide happening in early 2004 exposed the deep problems in the scientific system of France.The French government is now making great effort in taking measures to solve these problems and to enhance the competitiveness of French enterprises.Today,it is the major choice based on its national reality and facing the future for China to determine to improve the capability of independent innovation and to construct an innovative country.From the abundant French history of innovation,we see that no country can remain invincible without the independent innovation,even though it has had the strong basis in science and economy.The French system approaches to the Chinese system in many respects,so both successes and failures of France will be helpful in steering our development of science and technology management.
出处 《中国软科学》 CSSCI 北大核心 2009年第3期89-99,共11页 China Soft Science
基金 国家软科学研究计划课题"中国在世界科学中的地位与作用分析"(2008GXS1K027)
关键词 法国 创新 科技管理 国家创新系统 France innovation science and technology management national innovation system 都市旅游圈空间结构的生成与网络化发展
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