In this paper,the derivation of reactive oxygen species and their physicochemical properties are discussed briefly. Fact is well known that oxygen and reactive oxygen species damage plants,animals and other aerobic organisms.Of rcactive oxygen species, the most harmful chemicals are OH,HO2.,O2′ △g,etc.But during evolution of all living organisms ,nature endows them with more effective functions removing reactive oxygen species to protect them from the damages of the reactive oxygen species such as biochemical antioxidants system, enzymatic antioxidants system, DNA or cell repair, immunity and cell pigment system,etc.. It is the delicate balance in vivo between the rate of generation of reactive oxygen species and the rate of their removal by different defensive mechanisms,and between the rate of oxidative damage caused by the reactive oxygen species and the rate of the DNA(or cell)repair by repair system tbat ensures the organisms survival and full of vitality. Some diseases relating to reactive oxygen species are also discussed briefly.
Journal of Xi'an Petroleum Institute
activity,oxygen aerobic treatment/[oxygen containing breath,disease]