
同步放化疗治疗食管癌的研究进展 被引量:8

Progresses about Concomitant Radiochemotherapy for Esophageal Carcinoma
摘要 食管癌目前治疗仍以手术为首选,但放疗和化疗在食管癌的综合治疗中亦具有重要的地位。近年研究表明,对于不可手术切除的局部晚期食管癌,同步放化疗是标准治疗,对于一部分可切除的食管癌,术前同步放化疗降低了肿瘤分期,有利于手术切除,使患者获得了较好的生存期,而术后同步放化疗,对淋巴结阳性及术后有肿瘤残留者,降低了复发率。本文综述了近年来同步放化疗治疗食管癌的现状及研究进展。 In recent years, surgery is the chief choice of esophageal carcinoma treatment, in which radiotherapy and chemotherapy also play an important role. Recent researches show that concomitant radioehemotherapy is the standard therapeutics for unresectable esophageal carcinoma. Moreover, preliminary concomitant radiochemotherapy can reduce the classification of tumour and make for surgery required by some resectable esophageal carcinoma,thus the patients' survival, rate can he improved. Furthermore, concomitant radiochemotherapy after surgery is able to reduce the recrudescence probability of patients with lymph masculine and tumour resected incompletely. This paper reviews the current progress of concomitant radiochemotherapy for esophageal carcinoma.
作者 湛永滋
出处 《医学综述》 2009年第8期1190-1192,共3页 Medical Recapitulate
关键词 食管癌 放射疗法 化学疗法 Esophageal carcinoma Radiotherapy Chemotherapy
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