【目的】探讨彩色多普勒超声对创伤性假性动脉瘤的诊治价值。【方法】应用彩色多普勒超声诊断创伤性假性动脉瘤12例,部分病例选择超声引导下压迫瘤体与动脉相通处或局部注射凝血酶治疗。【结果】超声诊断与手术或血管造影结果相符合;对瘤体直径<3.5 cm的采用彩超引导下压迫治疗6例、局部注射凝血酶1例均获得治愈。【结论】彩色多普勒超声能准确诊断创伤性假性动脉瘤;对于瘤体和破口较小、位置较表浅的假性动脉瘤,彩超引导下压迫治疗可作为首选的有效治疗方式。
[Objective] To investigate the diagosis and treatment value of traumatic pseudoaneurysm by color Dopoler ultrasounography. [Methods] The sonsographic characteristics of pseudoaneurysm were analyzed retrospectively.Ultrasound-guided compression repair or thrombin injection were performed on some cases. [Results] The sonsographic diagnoses were coincident with the findings of surgeries and angiographies.Seven patients with the diameter of aneurysm less than 3.5 cm were cured successfully with ultrasourd-guided com- pression repair or thrombin injection. [ Conclusions] Color Doppler uhrasonography has significant important value in the diagnosis and treatment of traumatic pseudoaneurysm. It may be the best method in the diagnosis of pseudoaneurysm. The paeudoaneurysm that diame- ter less than 3.5 cm can be managed with tdtrasonnd-guided compression as the first choice.
Acta Academiae Medicinae CPAPF