对于B/S模式的应用,在.NET平台上实现了一个基于"标文通"电子表格文档的在线投票系统。与传统的前台Web浏览器浏览HTML网页、后台数据库存储数据的模式不同,这里采用了前台Web界面+办公软件插件,后台Web Service接口+"标文通"电子表格文档的模式,既借助办公软件的表现能力简化了前台用户数据视图的设计,又有效实现了平台无关性以及办公软件无关性。
For the B / S mode applications,the project developed a voting system using C# language on the.NET platform.Different from the conventional web application mode,i.e.to use web browser to preview HTML webpage at the front,and to store the data in the database at the backend,this system adopts web browser plus office software plug-in as the frontend,and UOF spreadsheet document plus a web service based on UOF API to access the document as the backend.The result shows that the design of data viewing interface is much simplified with the aid of data presentation ability provided by the office software,moreover,it makes the system independent from both the platform and office software.
Journal of Beijing Information Science and Technology University