
自制染色液染色的氧化锆陶瓷与Vita染色液比色板的色差研究 被引量:1

A color difference study on immersion-colored Upcera zirconia and Vita YZ shade guide
摘要 目的测定自制染色液染色的Upcera氧化锆陶瓷试样和Vita In-Ceram YZ染色液比色板之间的色差。方法制备5组Upcera氧化锆陶瓷试样(n=10),使用SL1~SL5染色液浸泡着色2min后,置于1350℃烧结2h,使用磨床和400#水砂纸单面打磨至厚度为2.0mm,长宽均为10mm的试样,利用分光光度计对各组试样及5组染色液比色片进行颜色测定。计算5组试样和相应色号比色片之间的色差值,计量心理量的明度、色相角和彩度的差值。结果染色后SL1~SL5组试样的色度值范围为L:58.61~77.35;a:0.35~9.17;b:19.23~26.37。LL1~LL5组Vita In-Ceram YZ染色液比色片的色度值范围为L:60.55~75.62;a:-0.97~6.13;b:15.17~27.99。试样与染色液比色板的色空间相近,色差值为3.95~6.82个NBS单位。试样组与比色板之间差异中色相角差均值为3.10;彩度差均值为2.27;明度差为2.24。结论 SL染色液系统可以用于Upcera氧化锆的染色,且着色试样的色空间范围与VitaYZ比色板相近,两者之间具有较好的颜色适合性。在对SL染色液系统的配方进行改良时,可以把明度调控作为主要目标,同时兼顾彩度和色相角的调整。 Objective To determine the color difference of Vita In-Ceram YZ shade guide and immersioncolored zirconia with self-made staining fluid.Methods Five groups of Upcera zirconia were made(n = 10) and immersed in the staining fluid(SL1-SL5) two minutes,then,sintered 2 h at 1350 ℃,the terminal size of samples were 10 mm × 10 mm × 2 mm,which was controlled by grinding machine and 400 # waterproof abrasive paper.Chromatic value of samples and shade guide were measured.ΔE,ΔL,ΔC and ΔH were calculated.Results The chromatic value range of samples was L:58.61-77.35;a:0.35-9.17;b:19.23-26.37.That of Vita YZ shade guide was L:60.55-75.62;a:-0.97-6.13;b:15.17-27.99.The color difference range was 3.95-6.82.The average of ΔH,ΔC and ΔL was 3.10,2.27 and 2.24 respectively.Conclusions SL Staining fluid system can be used to Upcera zirconia.There is good color aptness between SL system and Vita YZ Shade Guide.Lightness control must be the main objective,and chroma and hue shall be adjusted simultaneously.
作者 姚峰
出处 《中华临床医师杂志(电子版)》 CAS 2012年第23期7659-7662,共4页 Chinese Journal of Clinicians(Electronic Edition)
基金 佛山市科技计划项目(2010157)
关键词 牙瓷料 染色液 比色板 氧化锆 Dental porcelain Staining fluid Shade guide Zirconia
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