20世纪初诞生的动画艺术,从最初供人娱乐的杂耍小玩意成长为今天成熟的令人着迷的艺术种类,只经过了区区百年的时间。从1906年布莱克顿(J.Stuart Blackton)在黑板上创作的《滑稽脸的幽默相》被公认是史上第一部真正意义上的动画影片开始到今天,动画作品数量之大、艺术形式之多、应用领域之广、对人们生活影响之深。
The article represents the new development and change of the animation art due to the combination of animation art and the modern digital technology.The animation art integrating new techniques creates a new form of entertainment for the public,and becomes more interactive,public and widespread in the process of public acceptance and participation.The animation art with its different variations will continue to exert influence on general public in terms of culture,aesthetics and concepts.
Public Art