

PHY Simulation Based on the Wireless Broadband Standard IEEE802.16d
摘要 针对WiMAX物理层研究的重要性以及根据WiMAX标准所规定的有限测试向量来测试系统带来的不便,利用动态系统仿真工具Simulink按照IEEE802.16d物理层标准构建了一完整的端对端的系统模型,将指标文档变成了一个动态的可执行模型,大大方便了对系统的测试和分析。同时为IEEE802.16d/e两种标准下的信道、均衡、同步算法的研究与应用提供了一个有效的研究平台,对WiMAX标准的研究与开发很有意义。 Due to the importance of researching WiMAX PHY and the inconvenientness induced by the limited test vectors prescribed by the wireless broadband standards to test the system,a complete end-to-end system model is built based on the IEEE802.16d PHY standard by making use of the dynamic system simulation tool Simulink in this paper.The model built in this paper turns a profile document into a dynamic executable model,thereby it is greatly convenient to test and analyze the system,meanwhile provides a valid flat for completing the research and application of channel,equalization and synchronization based on IEEE802.16d/e two standards,and that the model is significant for researching and developing the WiMAX standards.
作者 赵晓燕
出处 《电视技术》 北大核心 2010年第S1期207-210,共4页 Video Engineering
关键词 IEEE802.16D 物理层 SIMULINK WIMAX IEEE802.16d PHY Simulink WiMAX
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