西气东输二线西段管道工程经过地震断裂带(组)一共20条。为了保证管道的安全,延长管道使用寿命,首次引进国外的应变设计理念和方法进行设计,将X80钢质、D 1 219 mm的可大变形钢管应用于地震断裂带施工。施工采用了"先单面成沟,沟下组焊,再开挖另一侧边坡"的施工方法,并采用RMD根焊+药芯焊丝填充盖面焊接工艺,取得了良好的施工效果。
There are 20 seismic fracture zones crossed by West Section of Second West to East Gas Pipeline. In order to ensure pipeline safety and prolong pipeline service life, the foreign strain design concept and method are introduced to the project for the first time and the pipes made of largely deformable steel X80 are used in the pipeline construction in the seismic fault zones. The construction method of 'one-sided trenching, assembly welding in trench, then excavating slope from another side' is adopted together with the welding process of'RMD root welding plus flux cored wire filling welding and cosmetic welding'. The construction effect is very good.
Petroleum Engineering Construction