
W波段带状注速调管注波互作用系统的研究 被引量:3

Research on Beam-Wave Interaction of a W-Band Sheet Beam Klystron
摘要 带状注速调管是采用宽高比值很大的薄矩形注来降低空间电荷效应,采用特殊的高频结构来增加功率容量,从而使注波互作用效率得到提高的一种新型微波电真空器件。本文基于PIC粒子模拟软件,建立了专门用于计算带状注速调管注波互作用过程的三维设计平台,并应用该平台完成了W波段带状注速调管注波互作用系统的初步设计,获得了清晰的物理图像和具有参考意义的模拟设计结果。模拟结果表明,在电子注电压为140kV,电流为15A时,该速调管可以获得大于573kW的输出功率、27.8dB的增益和大于27.3%的效率。 The sheet beam klystron is a new kind of microwave vacuum device,which uses a high aspect ratio,thin rectangular beam to reduce space charge effects,the special rf structure to increase power capability and beam-wave interaction efficiency.By means of PIC simulation software,a 3D design platform of beam-wave interaction system was established,and applied to design and simulate the beam-wave interaction system of a W-band sheet beam klystron.Detailed parameters for the primary design were presented.The PIC simulation results indicate that output power of larger than 573 kW and gain of 27.8 dB can be obtained under the condition of 140 kV voltage,15 A current.The efficiency exceeds 27.3%.
出处 《微波学报》 CSCD 北大核心 2010年第S1期459-463,共5页 Journal of Microwaves
基金 国家自然科学基金(60971073 10775139 60801031)
关键词 W波段 带状注速调管 PIC模拟 注波互作用 W-band sheet beam klystron PIC simulation beam-wave interaction.
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