
复杂结构斜向平移工程托换结构与轨道协同受力分析 被引量:8

Combined mechanical analysis on underpinning structures and moving tracks for a diagonal building-moving project
摘要 结合洪泽市某综合楼斜向平移工程,对复杂结构斜向平移工程中的托换结构和轨道进行了协同工作分析。以杆件单元模拟水平托换桁架和轨道,移动支座(滚轴)和地基均采用弹簧单元进行模拟,上部结构用竖向荷载代替,采用SAP2000软件建立了协同分析有限元计算模型,讨论了滚轴摆放方式、斜梁尺寸、地基基床系数、轨道刚度变化时托换结构的内力、轨道的内力和变形、滚轴压力、地基反力的特点。分析表明:斜向平移时,各轨道的竖向荷载总和基本不受上述参数的影响;摆放方式对托换结构斜向连梁内力影响较大,对纵横梁内力的影响较小;轨道内力随连梁刚度的增大、移动轨道刚度的减小、地基弹性系数的增大而减小;滚轴通长布置时轨道内力减小;轨道外伸长度取值对轨道内力分布有明显影响。 Although the building monolithic moving technique was used widely more and more,the mechanical features of the underpinning structure and moving tracks are not maturely known in the diagonal translation projects,and the design maybe unreasonable.With the diagonal translation project for one of the multifunctional building in Hongze city as an example,a finite element model of the underpinning structure and tracks was established,and the combined analysis were carried.In this model,bar elements were used to simulate the underpinning structure and the track,and spring element simulate the roller and the foundation.Some parameters,including the mechanical features of the underpinning structure,internal force and deformation of the track,the pressure distribution of the rollers and the counter-force distribution of the foundation soil under the condition of different coefficient of sub-grade,different sizes of diagonal beams and different modes of placing rollers,were calculated and discussed.The results showed that in a diagonal translation project,the sum of vertical loads on a certain track have little difference despite the changes of the stiffness of the diagonal beam,the stiffness of the track,the elasticity coefficient of the foundation,as well as roller layout.Roller layout has more influence to the internal force of diagonal beams of underpinning frame than that of the longitude or transverse beam.The internal force of the tracks decreases with the increase of the stiffness of diagonal beams and the elasticity coefficient of the foundation,and it also decrease when reducing the stiffness of the track.The internal forces of the tracks are smaller when the rollers are put along the sloping beams.The length of the track model has a significant effect on their internal forces.
出处 《建筑结构学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2010年第S2期279-284,共6页 Journal of Building Structures
基金 "十一五"国家科技支撑计划重大项目(2006BAJ03A00)
关键词 复杂结构斜向平移 协同分析 有限元模型 托换结构内力 轨道内力 complex structure diagonal translation combined analysis finite element model imternal force underpinning structure internal force of moving track
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