
焊接截面纵向残余应力变化规律 被引量:8

Regularities of longitudinal residual stress in welded section members
摘要 为了全面地认识焊接截面残余应力在不同焊件宽度、厚度、母材屈服强度下的变化规律,进行了理论推导,并总结了已有试验数据表现的规律。理论分析部分包括残余应力产生的原因、影响焊接残余应力的因素和残余应力的力平衡关系等方面。试验数据总结部分引用了国内外已有的不同牌号钢材的焊接箱形、H形、十字形截面测试结果,验证了理论推导的结果。所得纵向残余应力变化规律为研究不同尺寸、材料强度的钢压杆极限承载能力提供了前提条件。 In order to find out the regularities of residual stress in welded members with different width,thickness and yield strength,theoretical analysis and experimental verification have been conducted.The theoretical analysis is using simplified model,which only focuses on main influences of residual stress producing.The regularities have been verified by existing experiment results including box section,I section and cruciform section,which were made of mild steel and high strength steel.With the regularities,it is possible to estimate the residual stress effect on compress members with different dimensions and different yield strength.
作者 王彦博
出处 《建筑结构》 CSCD 北大核心 2010年第S1期204-208,共5页 Building Structure
关键词 焊接截面 残余应力 变化规律 宽度 厚度 屈服强度 welded section residual stress change regularity width thickness yield strength
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