
几类协调控制问题及其应用 被引量:2

Several Harmonic Control Problems and Their Applications
摘要 从3个方面回顾讨论了关联系统协调控制问题,指出了其中存在的一些复杂而有意义的课题。首先对多输入耦合控制系统,讨论了多冗余输入在最优控制中的作用,给出了一个最优指标严格下降的充分必要条件。其次对于一个由2个子系统组成的关联系统讨论了关联项的作用,通过例子说明了在一定的关联结构下,要使整个系统稳定必须有部分子系统不稳定,这充分体现了关联的作用。最后讨论了复杂网络同步中的协调控制问题,分别从图论、节点动力学与内关联函数、网络传递函数H2品质等方面讨论了改善同步的方法,并且指出可以在统一框架下研究多智能体一致性与复杂网络同步问题。 Harmonic control problems discussed from three aspects and some complicated and interesting issues are pointed out.First,the effects of multiple inputs for multi-input coupled systems are discussed.A necessary and sufficient condition is presented for the strict decrease of quadratic performance index with the increase of the control inputs.Second,the effects of the interconnections in coupled systems composed of two subsystems are analyzed.It is pointed out that a subsystem must be unstable to stabilize the whole coupled system in some special cases.Third,the harmonic problems in synchronization of complex networks are discussed.The methods for improving synchronization are presented from aspects of graph theory,node dynamics and inner coupled functions,and H2 performance.Finally,it is pointed out that the multi-agent consensus can be researehed in a unified framework with complex network synchronization.
作者 段志生 黄琳
机构地区 北京大学工学院
出处 《控制工程》 CSCD 北大核心 2010年第S1期1-4,8,共5页 Control Engineering of China
基金 国家自然科学基金资助项目(90916003 60974078)
关键词 冗余控制 最优控制 RICCATI方程 关联系统 分散控制 复杂网络同步 redundant control optimal control Riccati equation interconnected system decentralized control synchronization of complex network
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