
泡沫金属内流体流动沸腾热质传递过程的模拟 被引量:3

Simulation on heat and mass transfer of fluid flow boiling in metal foam
摘要 为了了解泡沫金属内流体流动沸腾热质传递机理,建立了泡沫金属内流体流动沸腾的理论模型。建模中采用Mixture多相流模型,通过引入泡沫金属的渗透率、有效热导率等参数,以体现泡沫金属区别于传统多孔介质的特点;通过在动量方程中增加达西项与惯性力项以体现泡沫金属对两相流动中动量传递的影响;通过增加固体能量方程,并与流体能量方程耦合,以体现泡沫金属内传热过程的热不平衡性。将本文建立的理论模型与已有文献中的数据进行对比,结果表明模型预测值和已有的实验数据吻合较好。 Mathematical model of fluid flow boiling in metal foam is established,in order to understand the heat and mass transfer mechanisms of flow boiling in metal foam.Mixture multiphase flow model is used in this paper.The permeability model and effective thermal conductivity model of metal foam is introduced in the present model,in order to reflect the different characteristic of metal foam from that of traditional porous media.The Darcy term and inertial term are introduced in the present model,in order to reflect the influence of metal foam on momentum transfer of the fluid.The energy conservation equation of solid phase is added to the present model by coupling the energy conservation equation of fluid phase,in order to reflect the thermal non equilibrium phenomena of heat transfer in metal foam.The calculation results of the present model agrees well with the experimental results in the open literature.
出处 《化工学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2010年第S2期30-34,共5页 CIESC Journal
基金 国家自然科学基金项目(50906048) 中国博士后科学基金项目(20090460618)~~
关键词 泡沫金属 流动沸腾 模拟 metal foam flow boiling simulation
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