
温度对底栖端足类河蜾蠃蜚(Corophium acherusicum)存活、生长和发育的影响 被引量:4

Effects of temperature on survival,growth and development of amphipod(Corophium acherusicum)
摘要 河蜾赢蜚(Corophium acherusicum)生长发育的适温范围为15~25℃,最适温度为20℃。在适宜范围内实验室恒温培养的河蜾赢蜚生长优于自然环境。本文较细致的记录了河蜾赢蜚的发育状况,在适宜范围内河蜾赢蜚幼体的发育随温度的提高而加快。研究结果表明,河蜾赢蜚实验室培养温度宜选择在15~25℃,用其进行沉积物毒性生物检测的实验温度宜选择在20℃。 The experiments on effects of temperature on survival, growth and development of the marine amphipod Corophium acherusicum were conducted for 30 days using juvenile amphipods (approximately 10 days old) under a set of constant temperatures. The resuits show that the optimum temperature range for Corophium acherusicum was 15 - 25 ℃, the most suitable one is 20℃. The growth of Corophium acherusicum under the optimum temperatures in the lab is superior to under the temperature outdoors. The development of growth, growing rate of the larvae increased steadily with the temperature rise within the suitable temperature range were vividly described. It is suggested from the results that 15 - 25℃ were the optimum for Corophium acherusicum cultured in the laboratory and 20℃ was the optimum for experiment testing the sediment toxicity using the Corophium acherusicum.
出处 《海洋环境科学》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2009年第2期138-141,共4页 Marine Environmental Science
基金 国家自然科学基金(30370271) 国家海洋局青年海洋科学基金重点项目(2002106)
关键词 端足类 河蜾蠃蜚 温度 存活 生长和发育 amphipod Corophium acherusicum temperature survival growth and development
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