In nowadays,a clothing & fabric fair is an aglare one which consists of multifarious activities such as fabulous runaway shows,leisurely holiday time,and seditious lectures.In a transformed clothing & fabric fair,can we recognize its true quality? Beyond all doubt,the plenty and colorful activities in a fair identifies the quick development of our clothing industry.But when those activities are used for other purpose rather than offering a circumstance for ordering,we need to seek the truth beneath this shell game. Shell game one:Travelling plus a feast of fat things--Ordering or holiday time? Shell game two:Seducing instead of helpful guidance--When did an ordering fair become Pyramid sales? Shell game three:Ordering fair held in high frequency--What can we get from a fake prosperous market? Shell game four:Surrounded by beautiful models,can the buyer distinguish the items of clothes favored by consumer? Shell game five:Can compelling ordering be enterprises' catholicon? Shell game six:Too much decoration,can business equal to art?