Diarreal disease caused by enterotoxi- genic Escherichia coli(ETEC)is by far the most common enteric colibacillosis encountered in neonatal piglets.the orally administered the pro- duction of compound Chinese herbal medicine immunoglobulins in a dose-dependent fashion against infection with each of the three homolo- gous strains of E.coli in passive immunization trails with a colostrums-deprived piglet model of enterotoxigenic E.coli diarrhea.The study of bacterostasis in vitro,adhesion assay in vitro,the lever of cell immunity and antibody. In vitro,the production of compound Chinese herbal medicine immunoglobulins block the growth of enter enteropaphogenic strains from 0 to 3 hours,whereas after 3 hours,the function of it was become wane,after 5 hours,the effect was not observed.In adhesion assay,the E.coli strains adhered equally to pocine duodenal and ileal ep- ithelial cells but failed to do so in the produc- tion of compound Chinese herbal medicine im- munoglobulins with higher titer.
Modern Animal Husbandry
the production of compound Chinese herbal medicine immunoglobulins
enterotoxigenic Escherichia coli