
幼儿园英语活动中教师的语言使用对幼儿学习的影响 被引量:2

Impact of Teachers Talk on Children's Learning in Preschool Bilingual Activities
摘要 本研究以社会互动学习理论为依据,对幼儿园英语活动中教师的语言使用对幼儿学习的影响作了初步分析。本研究采用现场录像的方法收集幼儿园英语活动中的师幼交往片段,并以其中的32个师幼交往片段为样本,分析了教师的语言使用对幼儿的平均话轮长度、平均语言复杂程度、参与交往的平均认知水平和交往策略使用的影响。研究结果显示:教师用英语提出的真实性问题能有效促进幼儿在英语活动中的学习,教师的部分非提问语言也能有效促进幼儿的学习,而教师使用的测试性问题则对幼儿的学习产生消极影响。在有利于幼儿学习的教师语言行为中,提问行为比非提问行为对幼儿学习过程的影响更大,后续行为比诱发行为对幼儿学习的影响更大。 Following the social constructivist theory of learning, this present study primarily examines the effects of teacher talk on children’s learning in preschool English-medium activities. In this study, the data of the teachers-children communication in the English-medium activities is collected by videotaping, and 32 episodes of which are used as samples for analyzing the effects of teacher talk on children mean length of turn (MLT), mean complicacy of turn(MCT), mean cognitive level (MCL) and communicative strategy using. Results show that teachers' authentic questions and some of teachers' non-question talk have significantly positive effects on childrens' learning, but teachers' test questions have significantly negative effects. It is also found that teachers' questions talk affect children's learning much more than non-questions talk, which facilitates children's active learning, and that teachers' follow-up moves play an even more significant role in children's learning than initiating ones.
作者 余珍有
出处 《幼儿教育(教育科学)》 2007年第6期1-7,19,共8页 Early Childhood Education(Educational Sciences)
基金 中国学前教育研究会"十五"研究课题"沉浸式教育方案中的幼儿学习研究"的部分研究成果
关键词 双语活动 师幼交往 教师语言 幼儿学习 English-medium activity teacher-child communication teacher talk child learning
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