针对OFDM信号峰均功率比PAPR(Peak-to-Average Power Ratio)问题,提出一种基于对子载波信号幅度和相位同时进行加权从而降低OFDM信号峰均功率比的新算法。推导寻找最佳加权系数的迭代算法,并证明其收敛性。通过理论推导和计算机仿真分析幅度加权系数对误码率BER(Bit Error Rate)和PAPR的影响。该算法在保证一定的BER要求下,能有效抑制OFDM信号的PAPR。与通过穷举寻找最佳加权值的部分传输序列方法相比,其PAPR略小,BER略大,但计算量小,具有一定的实用价值。
This paper introduces a novel and effective PAPR reduction algorithm for the OFDM signal.This proposed algorithm can ef- fectively reduce the PAPR with a group of appropriate weights fixed on the subcarrier's amplitude and phase.The PAPR reduction weights are derived from the iterative formulas presented in this paper.The BER analysis shows that the amplitude weight has a great impaet on the BER performance of the system.Appropriate restriction on the amplitude weight can get good performances on both PAPR and BER.The simulation results show that the proposed algorithm has a better PAPR performance than PTS.
Journal of Telemetry,Tracking and Command