
测验项目编制与等值的一种有效策略——层面理论 被引量:8

A Facet Theory Approach to Item Equivalency and Item Generation
摘要 回转翻译法关注的是“文字等价”,项目反应理论注重“统计指标等价”。层面理论项目等价注重项目的同一测量目标,即等值的项目应该在相同的条件下测试被试相同的反应。层面理论通过映射语句技术清晰地界定项目的测量目标,使得项目等值与项目编制更加科学。通过层面理论编制的项目维度结构更加清楚,测验的结构效度更有保证。将层面理论和心理计量学的其他方法结合起来,可以有效提高测验项目编制与等值的质量。 While the back-translation approach bases item equivalency on “literal equivalency”,and IRT approach bases item equivalency on “equivalency of statistical properties”,facet theory's notion of item equivalency can be stated as'equivalent items are those items that have the same measurement intention'.Here the intention refers to “the researcher uses a specific item to know what or how the testee responses under the condition the item confines and towards the facet the item aims at.“Facet theory specifies an item's measurement intention with its special mapping sentence technique.Thus,facet theory can take a positive way both in item equivalency and item generation.It creates items instead of translating or screening items.Items written under framework of facet theory have clear multidimensional constructs,which helps to ensure content validity.It can be expected that it will improve the application of measurement if combining facet theory with other psychometric methods.
出处 《考试研究》 2007年第2期62-70,共9页 Examinations Research
基金 贵州师范大学博士基金资助。
关键词 项目等值 层面理论 项目编制 映射语句 结构效度 item equivalency facet theory item generation mapping sentence construct validity
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