
利用伪随机序列降低OFDM系统PAPR方法 被引量:1

Reduction of Peak to Average Power Radio of OFDM System with Pseudorandom Sequence
摘要 提出一种基于伪随机序列降低正交频分多路复用系统发射信号的峰值功率与平均功率的峰均值比新方法。该方法通过伪随机序列矩阵扰乱发送序列,以此减小发送序列的相关特性,从而达到降低正交频分多路复用系统的发射信号的峰值功率与平均功率的峰均值比目的。仿真结果表明,该方法简单、实用、复杂度低,并能与其他方法联用。在子载波数较少时,可明显降低正交频分多路复用系统的发射信号的峰值功率与平均功率的峰均值比。 A new method for reducing Peak-to-Average Power Ratio (PAPR) in Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing (OFDM) systems is proposed in this paper. A pseudorandom sequence matrix is adapted to reduce auto-correlation of the transmitting sequence. Simulation results verify the improved performance of PAPR using this approach. The method is simple, low complexity. And it is easier to combine the method with other PAPR reducing technique so as to further reduce the PAPR in OFDM system.
作者 黄润林 周克
出处 《电子科技大学学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2007年第S3期1515-1518,共4页 Journal of University of Electronic Science and Technology of China
关键词 非周期自相关函数 互补累积函数 峰均值比 伪随机序列 aperiodic auto-correlation function complementary cumulative distribution function peak to average power ratio pseudorandom sequence
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