
非监禁刑:文明社会的刑罚选择——以欧洲为视角的思考 被引量:2

Critical Thinking on Non-imprisonment Punishment:Criminal Punishment Alternatives in Civilized Society——in the European Perspective
摘要 刑罚作为社会文化的一部分,其发展与人类文明同步,文明程度越高,刑罚方法就越合乎人性。在人道的前提下,矫正罪犯是刑罚选择的目标之一。非监禁刑能够在欧洲普遍使用,就因为它既是一种比较人道的刑罚方法,又在矫正罪犯方面具有其独特的优势。我国在建立自己的非监禁刑体系时,既要借鉴欧洲非监禁刑的立法及司法实践的经验,又要从本国实情出发。在人道主义与矫正效果的前提下,对非监禁刑体系的设计不仅要体现时代性,还要注重实用性。 As part of the social culture,the development of criminal punishment set the same pace with human civilization.Accordingly,the higher the civilization is,the more human the punishment methods will be.Criminal correction is one alterative for the punishment objectives in the perspective of human nature.The widespread application of non-imprisonment in Europe has better interpreted that such punishment approach is not only relatively human but also has special advantages concerning criminal correction.In establishing the non-punishment system in China,we should learn from the legislative and judicial practice experience in Europe taking account of our actual reality in China in the meanwhile.Conforming to the humanism and correction effect,the design of non-imprisonment system shall keep abreast of the times and be practical as well.
作者 张旭 宋伟卫
机构地区 吉林大学法学院
出处 《北方法学》 2007年第3期68-74,共7页 Northern Legal Science
关键词 非监禁刑 人道主义 犯罪矫正 non-imprisonment punishment humanism correction of crimes
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  • 1United Nations Secrerariat, Alteroatives to Imprisonment, International Review of Criminal Policy No. 36,1980, New York 1983,P. 9.
  • 2United Nations Secretariat, Alternatives to Imprisonment, International Review of Criminal Policy No. 36, 1980 ,New York 1983, P. 3.
  • 3W. Rentzmann and J. P. Robert, Alternative Measures to Imprisonment, Report of the Conference of Directors of Prison Administrations, Council of Europe, Strasbourg 1986, P. 2.
  • 4Ecosoc Resolution 1984/46 "Altrnatives to Imprisonment" of 25^th May 1984, and Ecosoc Resolution 1986/10(Ⅺ) "Alternatives to Imprisonment" of 21^th May 1986.
  • 5Resolutiou 6 "Deinstitutionalisation of Corrections aad Its Implications for the Residual Prisoner" ,and Resolution 8 "Alternatives to Imprisonment", of the 6^th United Nations Congress oa Prevention of Crimes and Treatment of Offenders.
  • 6Resolution 16"Reduction of the Prison Population,Alternatives to Imprisonment ,and Social Integration of Offenders", of the 7^th United Nations Congress on Prevention of Crime and Treamtent of Offenders,held at Milan, 26^th August to 6^th September, 1985.
  • 7Black's Dictionary,West Publishing Co. 1990,P. 477.
  • 8Black's Dictionary, West Publishing Co. 1990,P. 1606.
  • 9H. von Hentig,Die Strafe,Teil Ⅱ, Die moderne Erscheinungsformen, Heidelberg 1955,P. 408.
  • 10C. Stooss, Das sogenannte Abverdienen von Geldstrafe, Revue Penale Suisse 1891, P. 347.











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