Opinions in Washington on the revaluation of China’s currenc yare becom-ing more contentious. The U.S . Senate Finance Committee and the Senate Banking Committee have approved bills aimed at pres suring Beijing torevalue the yuan despite the Bush administration ’s war ning against suchbills. However , 1,028 noted U.S . economists recently voiced their dissent in apetition. Beijing Review talked to James Anderson , Prof essor of Economicsat Boston College, and Ar nold Kling, an independent economist from Maryl and , both of whom signed the petition.
Opinions in Washington on the revaluation of China's currenc yare becom-ing more contentious. The U.S . Senate Finance Committee and the Senate Banking Committee have app r oved bills aimed at pres suring Beijing to revalue the yuan despite the Bush administrati on 's war ning against such bills. However , 1,028 noted U.S . economists rec e n t l y voiced their dissent in a petition. Beijing Revi e w ta l k ed to James Anderso n , Prof essor of Economics at Boston College, and Ar nold Kling, an independent economist from Ma r yl a n d , both of whom signed the petition.