Most Americans naturally attribute the price increase of Chinese imports tothe price hikes in China. However , this is not the case. Many people fail to notice that the price increase of Chinese commodities is actually the result of the appreciation of the Chinese currency. Fu Yong ,fr om the China Center For Economic Research of Fudan Univer sity , notedin Shanghai Securities News that the United States should prepare to pay the price as a result of infla tionar ypres sure caused by the sharp renminbi appreciation. Excerpts follow:
Most Americans naturally attribute the price increase of Chinese imports tothe price hikes in China. However , this is not the case. Many people fail to notice that the price increase of Chinese commodities is actually the result of the appreciation of the Chinese currency. Fu Yong ,fr om the China Center For Economic Research of Fudan Univer sity , notedin Shanghai Securities News that the United States should prepare to pay the price as a result of infla tionar ypres sure caused by the sharp renminbi appreciation. Excerpts follow: