Let {W (t), t ∈ R}, {B(t), t ∈ R +} be two independent Brownian motions on R with W(0) = B(0) = 0. In this paper, we shall consider the exact Hausdorff measures for the image and graph sets of the d-dimensional iterated Brownian motion X(t), where X(t) = (X 1(t),…, X d (t)) and X 1(t),…, X d (t) are d independent copies of Y(t) = W(B(t)). In particular, for any Borel set Q ? (0, ∞), the exact Hausdorff measures of the image X(Q) = {X(t): t ∈ Q} and the graph GrX(Q) = {(t, X(t)): t ∈ Q} are established.
Let {W(t),t∈R}, {B(t),t∈R+} be two independent Brownian motions on R with W(0) = B(0) = 0. In this paper, we shall consider the exact Hausdorff measures for the image and graph sets of the d-dimensional iterated Brownian motion X(t), where X(t) = (Xi(t),... ,Xd(t)) and X1(t),... ,Xd(t) are d independent copies of Y(t) = W(B(t)). In particular, for any Borel set Q (?) (0,∞), the exact Hausdorff measures of the image X(Q) = {X(t) : t∈Q} and the graph GrX(Q) = {(t, X(t)) :t∈Q}are established.
This work was partially supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No. 10131040)
China Postdoctoral Science Foundation.