
中学英语课堂教学改革小议 被引量:1

On English Teaching Reform in Middle School
摘要 针对我国中学英语教学现状,教育工作者应培养学生积极和健康的情感态度,营造宽松和高效的课堂互动氛围,培养学生创新思维能力,特别是要进行课堂交际性活动,从而达到大面积地提高中学学生英语教育质量。 The paper suggests some specific measures for training students' emotional attitudes and innovational thought. The author points out that in order to largely impove teaching quality,teachers should give students sufficient communicative activities in class.
作者 顾俊秀
出处 《大同职业技术学院学报》 2006年第4期93-94,共2页
关键词 情感态度 课堂互动 创新思维 emotional attitude classroom interaction innovational thought
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