提起"绫致时装"也许很多人都不甚清楚,但是要提起"ONLY"、"VERO MODA"这两个几年来在国内各地大型百货商场里热卖的女装品牌,肯定耳熟能详。"绫致时装"正是时尚女性纷纷推崇的"ONLY"、"VERO MODA"品牌的缔造者。作为欧洲最大时装公司之一的绫致时装(Bestseller)是欧洲著名的国际时装公司。集团成立于1972年,总部设在丹麦的Brande。Bestseller拥有ONLY(女装)、VERO
When the name of'Bestseller'is mentioned,probably people have never heard of it.However,when the names of'ONLY'and'VERO MODA'are re- ferred to,people would feel it so familiar that they quickly associate them with the branded fashions that have sold like hot cakes at big department stores all over the country in recent years.As one of biggest fashion companies in Europe, Bestseller is an internationally well- known company based in Europe.Es- tablished in 1972 and headquartered in Brande,Denmark,Bestseller boasts four renowned brands including ONLY, VERO MODA,JACK&JONES and EXIT. The company set up its Hong Kong Of- fice in 1984 and Beijing Office in 1990. In 1996,the company also set up a plant in Tianjin and began to promote its fash- ion brands in a big way in China market. With a low profile and restraint,typical of a northern European company,brands under Bestseller have played leading roles in China's apprel markets in a quiet and silent manner.