自6月中旬民营企业三一重工执行总裁向文波连续发表多篇博客质疑徐工改制以来,“徐工案”史无前例地成为被最多人关注的大型国有企业改制案例,有人评价说,“公众加入了曾经对他们封闭的外资并购国有企业的游戏。”对这桩举世瞩目的并购案,我们究竟知道多少?在已经呈现出来的细节背后,可能真的藏有还未呈现的“魔鬼”。国企改制需要怎样的程序公正,才能保证改制是整个企业的意愿,而不是个别人的意志? 因为涉及巨大的品牌无形资产和行业中的重要地位,徐工改制实际上也在拷问着现行国有企业改制的政策与整体环境,其中包括管理者权力与义务、第三方中介机构独立性、地方政府的职能界定,等等。
Since mid Jun when Xiang Wenbo, president of private business Sany group oppugned openly in his blog against Xuzhou Construction Machinery Group (XCMG)'s reform of its ownership structure, the event has been in the public spotlight. Some people even concluded that the public involved in foreign fund's bidding war game over state-owned businesses. Is an 'evil' really hidden under the controversial merger case? Whatsoever, what really matter is that making sure there is a fair process during ownership structure reforms to ensure it is in the benefit of the business
Business Watch Magazine