
意在行先 思而后动——运动品牌集约化经营模式下的陈列方式探讨(下)

Sports Brand Display——A Trend of Supermarket Intensive Operation
摘要 目前的中国体育市场,NIKE占据了近45%的份额,ADIDAS紧随其后以30%的份额比例来抗衡。相对于这两者的霸者地位,曾经也同样叱咤风云的CONVERSE和REEBOK在中国的表现就非常汗颜了。当然,这和中国代理营运商对于品牌的投入和发展方式不无关系。上期我们探讨了注重耐用和运动性能的ADIDAS,以及重视市场明星占领的NIKE,或许能够大概地了解了运动品牌在中国的发展轮廓。可以说,这两者构建了整个世界范围内运动用品的高端市场,特别是以"运动"为第一主体的体育用品。因而,在现在的竞技比赛中,除了专业性非常强,或者传统现念比较浓厚(如斯诺克桌球)之外。 In the last issue, we had a discus- sion about ADIDAS, who has paid at- tention to durability and mobility, and NIKE, who has attached importance to the penetration by market stars. Perhaps, it can roughly present the outlines of developing sport brands in China. CONVERSE and REEBOK, that we will discuss today, may be able to present us the methods of display- ing some sport brands, which immedi- ately follow high end market and are in middle-low ends, or which main styles can be considered as'more casual', and the strategy for operating brands. Possibly, through such analysis, we can have a clearer picture about the position of sport brands, and the dis- play which served as the expression terminal in order to play a supporting role with such position.
作者 Michael 周同
机构地区 资深视觉陈列
出处 《中国制衣》 2006年第12期56-61,89,共7页
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