目的 探讨XE - 2 10 0血细胞分析仪PLT(血小板)检测结果偏低的原因,选择正确的方法进行复查,保证PLT检测质量。方法 对2 5例XE - 2 10 0血细胞分析仪上检测结果偏低的标本涂片镜检,重新采集静脉血,分别在KX - 2 1(预稀释法)上和用手工法进行复查。对血涂片存在PLT聚集的抗凝血在首次检测30分钟后在XE - 2 10 0上再复查一次。结果 有2 0例标本血涂片PLT形态正常,无PLT聚集,重新采血复查PLT ,两种方法结果仍偏低,与复查前无差异(p >0 .0 5 )。5例标本血涂片上PLT存在着不同程度的聚集,重新采血复查PLT ,两种方法结果均正常,与复查前差异显著(p <0 .0 1)。5例标本中有1例在XE - 2 10 0上复查结果正常。结论 对各种原因引起PLT检测结果偏低者,应进行人工镜检血涂片和PLT手工计数,或在其他仪器上检测。
Objective To explore the reasons that result in platelets analysis results on low side which analysed in haematology analyzer XE-2100 in order to select correct methods to reexamine them and then guarantee the quality of platelet analysises.Method 25 samples of thrombocytopenia speciments analysed in haematology analyzer XE-2100 were made into bolld smears and examined in microscope,and the suffers of these speciments were collected blood again from vein 25 samples of blood were analysed separately in haematology analyzer KX-21(prediluted method)and with manual method.The speciments which with platelet aggragation in blood smears were analysed in XE-2100 30 minutes after first analysed.Results In 20 samples of speciments the shapes of platelets was normal and there were not the low side and were not different from which analysed first time(p>0.05).for 5 samples of speciments with plateiet aggregation of differents degrees in blood smears the platelet results reexamined with two methods were different from the results analysed fist time(p<0.01).And one speciment of the five was analysed again 30 minutes afer fist analysed,the result was normal.Conclusion Thrombocytopenia results caused by kins of reasons should be analysed by examining blood smears in microscope,and pletlets were analysed with manual method or in other haematology analyzer,simultaneously the quality of collecting blood speciments should be improved.
Medical Laboratory Science and Clinics