
财政支持社会主义新农村建设的基本思路和政策措施 被引量:5

Basic Thought and Measures for Financial Assistance to the Construction of New Socialist Countryside
摘要 资金投入是社会主义新农村建设的物质基础和基本保证。"调整国民收入分配结构和财政支出结构,扩大公共财政覆盖农村范围"是社会主义新农村建设的必然要求。"十一五"时期,财政支持社会主义新农村建设的主要政策措施是:建立健全财政支农资金稳定增长机制,逐步形成多元化的新农村建设资金来源;完善和加强各项支持农村经济建设的财税政策,全面发展农村生产力;大力促进农村社会事业发展,促进城乡经济社会协调发展;完善和创新政策机制,支持农村防灾减灾和林业生态建设;全方位推进农村反贫困,促进构建农村和谐社会;支持村庄整治和公共基础设施建设,引导农民自主建设美好家园;深化财政管理体制和农村综合改革,建立政府有效提供公共服务的长效机制;规范和强化支农资金管理,确保财政支农资金安全运行和有效使用。 Financial investment is the physical base and essential guarantee for the construction of new socialist countryside. It's the necessary requirement for the construction of new socialist countryside to regulate the structures of national income distribution and financial investment and widen the coverage of public finance over the rural areas. During the period of 'Eleventh Five-Plan', the major measures for financial assistance to the construction of new socialist countryside are as follows: to establish a perfect stable growing mechanism for financial assistance to agriculture and gradually to produce multiple financial sources for the construction of new socialist countryside; to perfect and strengthen various policies of finance and tax to support the rural economical construction and fully develop the rural productive power; to vigorously promote the development of social undertakings in the countryside and social economical harmony between urban and rural areas; to perfect and innovate policy mechanism and support the construction of forestry ecology, preventing and reducing natural calamities; to fully promote the rural anti-poverty and construction of a harmonious countryside; to assist the renovation of villages and construction of public infrastructural facilities and guide the peasants to build a fine homeland on their own; to deepen the financial management and rural comprehensive reforms and establish a long-term mechanism for the governments to effectively provide public service; to normalize and intensify the management of aid-agriculture finance and ensure their safe investment and effective use.
作者 卢贵敏
出处 《中国井冈山干部学院学报》 2006年第2期62-67,共6页 Journal of China Executive Leadership Academy Jinggangshan
关键词 社会主义新农村 财政政策 思路 new socialist countryside financial policy thought
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