
PC机三维CT影像的建立及在放射性眼眶整形中的应用 被引量:2

Three-Dimensional Planning on PC Environment in Reconstruction for Enophthalmos
摘要 目的:在PC上建立眼眶发育不良整形手术的三维CT影像测量和分析系统。方法:应用计算机图像处理技术,在PC机上完成CT标准数据(DICOM3.0)解读,完成眼眶三维图像的重组、分析和测量,并应用于放射性眼眶的整形手术治疗。结果:14例眼眶发育不全患者经手术后眼眶横径、纵径和眶缘到外耳道的距离等测量指标都接近正常侧。结论:PC机三维CT影像测量和分析系统的建立,可以便捷,有效的量化放射性眼眶畸形的程度,为术前设计和术后判断提供客观依据,提高手术的精确性。 Objective: To develop a three-dimensional imaging and analysis system on PC environ- ment in reconstruction for enophthalmos. Methods: By computer tomography, we developed the software system on PC environment for CT data manipulation and processing, for three-dimen- sional imaging and practical measurement and analysis in the reconstruction of the irradiated enophthalmos. Results: The data including the orbital breadth, orbital vertical height and distance from the external auditory canal to the orbital later rim are near to normal in 14 cases. Conclusion: This development on the PC environment facilitates measurement, visualization and analysis of the irradiated enophthalmos reconstruction and it can provide objective information for surgical plan- ning and postoperative judgement.
出处 《组织工程与重建外科杂志》 2005年第1期29-33,共5页 Journal of Tissue Engineering and Reconstructive Surgery
基金 上海市科委重点项目(014119001)
关键词 计算机辅助设计 CT三维成像 眼眶整形 Computer-assisted planning Three-dimensional imaging Orbital reconstruction
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