组播技术充分实现了 IP 网络中点到多点的高效数据传送。它能有效地节约网络带宽,降低网络负载。组播技术在实时数据传送、多媒体会议、批量数据拷贝、游戏和仿真等诸多方面都有广泛的应用。文章基于 IP 组播技术在园区网中的应用情况,介绍了组播的基本概念、应用技术、目前通用的组播协议以及组播组网的基本方案,并揭示了组播技术的未来发展趋势。
Multicast technology realizes high-efficient datum transmission from a point to many fully in IP network. It can economize the bandwidth of the network effectively,and reduces network load.IP multicast technology has extensive application,such as real-time data conveyance,multimedia meeting,batch data copying,game and emulation, etc.The text is based on IP multicast technology application situation in school network system,and introduce basic conception, technology,general protocol and basic scheme of multicast network,And the same time,It reveals multicast technology development in future.
Yinshan Academic Journal(Natural Science Edition)