前言:搞了大半辈子雕塑,教了大半辈子的书,今年七十七岁了,在中央美院还 混上了一个“银嘴儿”的外号。大家都劝我发挥这个专长,要我多摆摆龙 门阵。但我觉得好友交谈,会心一笑,的确不太费事,但要整理成文,可 就麻烦的很了,于是就懒了下来。岂料去年突然发生一场车祸,万幸的是 并无大碍。但是让我意识到“风烛残年”的古训,也就立生了鲁迅先生晚 年的心情——“要赶快做”。所以现在开始整理一点心得体会,正确与否, 且不去管它,只是提炼出来,供大家研究研究,我想总还是有益的吧。于 是得到了《雕塑》杂志的支持,开辟了这个栏目。我争取在有生之年每期 都写上一点,希望为一些有兴趣的朋友增添一点谈笑的资料。
Preface Dedicating myself to sculpture career and teaching over half a lifetime,I am 77 this year with a nickname 'Silver mouth' in Central Academy of Fine Arts. Many people persuade me to bring into play the special skill and arrange Longmen battle array. I think talking with friends and getting happiness doesn't actually take a lot of trouble, while it's inconvenient to write articles and then I am idle. Unexpectedly, a mad accident happened to me last year, fortunately I was almost okay. But that made me realize the ancient alloculations of 'having one fool in the grave', and then immediately came out Mr. Luxun's feelings in his old years-'Do it early'. Therefore, I am arranging some experience, whether it's right or not? Even I forgot it. just abstracted it out for research, which I think is beneficial, and then I got support from 'Sculpture Magazine' to start the program. I try to write something in each issue in my life in hope of increasing some interesting materials for some friends who have interest.