

Respectful-praising of Life——on sense of life of original sculpture
摘要 人类的知识越是向前发展,那么对于过去的认识就回述的越久远。艺术是什么?这是个几乎没有答案的问题,而对于艺术做铺叙式的解读.至少可以给我们比较清晰的艺术的历史形象上的了解。从19世纪末开始,原始艺术给现代艺术的发展注入了新鲜的活力,当古典主义为代表的理性主义的艺术发展到极至的时候,对于原始艺术的野性,生命原欲的渴望是极其迫切的。本期约请了几位国内知名的艺术理论家,就原始雕塑的主题,从不同的侧面进行了综述,以期读者对于原始雕塑有一个框架式的认识。 Robert J. Shiller, classical philosopher of Germany, once praised in the poetic tone: 'Oh! Mankind, only you are artistic! 'Art is the creature of the mankind, then at what time and by what motivation was art created? This question has aroused the interest of many theorists in the histories of aesthetics and artistic theories. They put forward the views of artistic origin of copying, game, witchcraft, calendar, emotional conveying, etc. Self-awareness of the mankind is the self-awareness of life, since human's life is both the carrier and objective of self-awareness. The primitives had always been performing artistic creation encircling vital phenomena and vital activities, as well as their wonderment to life, desirability to multiplying, and the fear for death. Their liking for human body and feeling to rhythm of life are all the in-depth psychological source occurred in the mankind's original art. This phenomenon can be seen from the original music and dancing of numerous modern & primitive tribes, as well as the grottos fresco and gravings of primitive society.Animal is also a kind of life carrier. Relationship between the primitives and animals was very close. In the shooting time, people needed to catch and kill animals, so as to continue the life of mankind itself by sacrificing the lives of animals. Therefore, both the frescos in the Spanish Altamira Cave and French Cave of Lascaux have the scenes of chasing and killing buffalos or other animals. In the late New Stone Age, Chinese forefathers started to domestricate animals; as a result, dogs and pigs, etc., had become friends of the mankind, and the accessibility of animals had been exhibited. Therefore, our forefathers had also started to mold animal sculptures, or making formed articles with animal images. Animal-like keramics created in primitive keramics, or independent animal keramic carvings, are all a kind of awareness to the lives of animals, or a refraction to human's sense of life. Liking for animals is also a liking for life, being the transfer and extension of human's liking for his life to that of animal lives, and a respectful-praising to life.
作者 陈池瑜
出处 《雕塑》 2004年第2期6-8,共3页 Sculpture
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