如果说20世纪是东方向西方学习的世纪,到了21世纪,全世界正开始出现一个新的趋势:看东方!事实上,中国元素已在世界舞台上频频出现,东方的宗教、哲学正成为西方政治家、军事家、企业家研读的重要著述;东方的绘画、音乐、舞蹈、戏曲、文学等艺术正成为西方家喻户晓的经典名作。在整个东方引入了大量西方文化元素之后,东方文化元素正在成为西方时尚的主题。 在东西方现代文化交融之际,中国现代城市雕塑的发展方向何在?是千遍一律地盲目跟“西风”,还是重新认识和开发民族文化的价值、探索一条传承民族文脉的时代特色之路,已成为我们不可回避的重要课题。本文旨在通过对当前我国现代城市雕塑文化现象的初步探讨,取得对本民族文化价值及地域文化价值的认同共识。
At the time of the integration of western and eastern culture, in which direction will China's modern urban sculpture develop? Whether following the 'West Wind' with all in the same key and blindness or re-understanding and re-developing value of national culture to probe into an era-featured road of inheriting national cultural pulse has become an inevitable important task. This article aims to preliminarily probe into cultural image of contemporary urban sculpture and acquire a cognition and common view to national cultural value and regional cultural value. As an important component of environment art, urban sculpture has become an important content of urban culture and inalienably develops with construction along with the development of urban construction. It's an urban symbol representing a city's historical evolution and historical record in various development periods and it's a city's specific marking of possessing life, sense of history and national spirit. Beyond doubt, by means of what postures will China's modern urban sculpture be involved in this kind of consideration and how will China's urban sculpture be collateral in the progress of historical civilization and social development has become pivotal to re-understand and re-develop the national and regional cultural value.