运动补偿是实现高分辨率机载 SAR成像的关键问题之一。文中根据载机实际轨迹相对于理想轨迹的偏差 ,详细推导由运动误差所引入的相位误差的表达式 ,给出对机载 SAR径向运动偏差进行补偿的实现方法及对定位精度的要求 ,并进行仿真验证 。
Motion compensation is one of the key problems for h igh resolution airborne SAR imagery.This paper discusses,in detail,the phase err or caused by the aberration of the plane's actual track from the nominal straigh t flight path and present a method to remove the phase error.Simulation indicate s this method is applicable for the airborne SAR motion compensation problem.
Journal of Telemetry,Tracking and Command