目的 研究四种松花粉营养成分。方法 对青杆、油松、白皮松和黑松花粉的 18种氨基酸、蛋白质、视黄醇、维生素E (VE)、维生素C (VC)、磷脂、葡萄糖氧化酶等重要营养成分进行含量测定。结果 发现这四种松花粉的视黄醇、VE和VC的含量差别较大 ,各种氨基酸含量较高。其中青杆花粉的视黄醇含量达 70 64 1 6IU/ 10 0g ,氨基酸总量达 2 4 44 3mg/ 10 0mg。结论 从营养的角度来看 ,青杆是较优秀的花粉 。
Objective and Methods The quantities of V A,V E,V C and different kinds of amino acid in the pollen of Pinus tablaeformis Carr,Pinus bungeana Zucc,Picea wilxonii and Pinus thunbergii which are prevalent in China,are analyzed Results It was considerably high through the research of the quantity of the 18 kinds of amino acid,protein,V A,V E,V C,phospolipids and glucose oxidase The content of V A reaches 70641 6 IU/100 g and the total amino acid reached 24 443 mg/100 mg in the pollen of Picea wilxonii Mast Conclusion Picea wilxonii Mast may be an excellent but different kind of pollen should be chose for special popurse
Chinese Journal of Viral Diseases
上海市自然科学基金资助项目(98ZA1 4 0 1 0)
贵州师范大学基金资助项目(2 0 0 4 - 1 2 )