本文从计算机辅助教学方法的角度上初浅地对之探讨。讨论在引入CAI围绕课堂教学活动时,关键是要结合各自的特点 找到有效可靠的实践方法使两者相辅相成,通过阐述使得对CAI的认识能更为清晰地被呈现出来,并以此方法借鉴指导具体的教学实 践。
this article, from the perspective of approaches of computer assisted instruction ( CAI), has an humble discussion on approaches of CAI. It's the key point to combine each features when applying CAI to the class teaching activities, and find an efficient and practical way to positively affect each other. Through discussion, the CAI can be fully understood, and can be well applied to teaching practice.