

Hospital-acquired infection and the establishment of aseptic concept in nursing students
摘要 在微生物学的实验教学中,针对专业培养目标,密切联系临床实践,通过反复强化训练,使同学们牢固树立无菌观念,初步掌握无菌操作的基本原则,为后期临床护理操作课程及今后参与医院内感染的预防工作,打下坚实的基础。 This pap Aimed to establish aseptic concept tightly and master the basic principles of aseptic operation,we kept the relationship with clinic practice and intensified the professional training in the microbiological experimental teaching.The establishment provided a more solid foundation for the future development of clinic nursing operation and preventive works of hospital-acquired infection.
作者 孙炜
机构地区 盐城卫生学校
出处 《浙江医学教育》 2004年第4期21-22,共2页 Zhejiang Medical Education
关键词 医院内感染 无菌观念 护生 medical aestheti hospital-acquired infection aseptic concept nursing student
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