This study examines cross-cultural contrastive rhetoric in argumentative writings.To achieve this purpose,50 Chinese students from Beijing Institute of Machinery and 30 English students from Exeter University in Great Britain are asked to write an English essay on an assigned topic.In addition, Chinese students are asked to write a Chinese essay on the same writing task.The data suggests that L1 Chinese writings are significantly different from L1 English writing in two of selected rhetorical features,e.g.type of the discussed problem and affective appeal.Both English and Chinese students demonstrate similar strategies in term of the orientation length and citation. Chinese students tend to display similar rhetorical strategies in both L1 and L2 writings.
本论文调查并研究了中英大学生论说文的修辞模式。对来自北京机械工业学院50名中国学生,英国Exeter University 的30名英国学生作文进行了分析,其数据表明中国和英国大学生母语作文在所选的四种修辞特点中有两个方面明显不同,即:问题的讨论类型和情感诉诸方面。其他二个方面,引言和引证,两国学生的策略是相同的。中国大学生的母语作文和英语(L2)作文往往显示出相同的策略。