
植物miRNA研究进展 被引量:2

Progress on the Research of Plant miRNA
摘要 miRNA是一类长度为 2 0~ 2 5nt,能调节mRNA表达的非编码RNA基因产物 .自 1993年首次在线虫中发现以来 ,miRNA的研究一直局限于动物中 .2 0 0 2年 ,miRNA被证实也存在于植物中 ,随后植物中越来越多的miRNA相继被报道 ,有关植物miRNA的形成、特征、作用机制以及它与植物生长发育的关系也日益引起人们的兴趣 .本文就植物中miRNA的研究现状做一综述 . miRNA is a RNA family of about 20~25?nt noncoding RNAs that regulates the expression of mRNAs When was firstly discovered in Caenorhabditis elegans in 1993,they have been studying only in animals.In 2002,they were also found in plants.Since then,more and more miRNAs have been reported in various plants.The biogenesis,properties and molecular mechanisms of plant miRNAs and their relationship with plant growth and development were introduced in this paper.
出处 《首都师范大学学报(自然科学版)》 2004年第S1期43-46,52,共5页 Journal of Capital Normal University:Natural Science Edition
关键词 植物MIRNA 结构特点 分子机制 功能 miRNA,structure characteristics,molecular mechanism,function
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