
射流预冷却涡轮基发动机的技术研究 被引量:6

Research on Techniques of Mass Injection and Precooling Engines
摘要 射流预冷却涡轮基组合循环发动机(steamjet)是目前重点研究的一种高超音速飞行器用发动机。文中分析了射流预冷却涡轮基组合循环发动机的工作特点,与火箭发动机相比说明了其发展的优势,总结归纳了这种发动机技术特点和发展的关键技术,结合发动机研究实际分析了其发展的可能性。 The StesmJet is a new high Mach engine,which is based on existing turbojet developed in U.S.It is a precoo- ling turbine based combined cycle(PCTBCC)engines.This paper analyzed to stesmjet the work characteristics,ex- plained its development advantage compare with the rocket engine,the summary induced this kind of engine technique characteristics and the key technique of the development,joining together the our country aeroengine research actual a- nalysis the possibility of its development.
出处 《弹箭与制导学报》 CSCD 北大核心 2004年第S4期335-337,341,共4页 Journal of Projectiles,Rockets,Missiles and Guidance
关键词 涡轮基发动机 射流预冷却 高超音速 TBCC Mass injection and Precooling Hypersonic
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