为了防止沙漠化的进一步扩展,于1983~1995年期间,在鄂尔多斯地区飞播了 12万hm2,在这里使用138个飞播区的调查数据,首先对适宜飞播植物种和合理的播种量进 行了探讨,得到如下结论:①在鄂尔多斯地区适宜飞播的植物种有杨柴、籽蒿、沙打旺、草苜蓿。 ②由于种子处理技术的应用,低播种量6.0-7.0kg/ha取得了良好的飞播成效。其次用Ⅰ类 数量化理论对播种时间、沙丘高度、沙丘密度、播前自然植被覆盖率与播后植被覆盖率的关系 进行了探讨,得到如下结论:①适宜的播种时间为5月25日-6月25日。②适宜的播区立地 条件为沙丘平均高度为10m以下,沙丘密度低于75%,播前自然植被覆盖率为12-25%。
Air-seeding was carried out in an area of 120,000ha between 1983 and 1995 for controlling desertification. Using vegetation data of 138 plots of seeded area, suitable plant species and seeding rate have been concluded with the following results. ①Suitable plant species are Hedysarum mongolicum, Artemisia sphaerocphala, Astragalus adsurgens, Melilotus suavealens. ②Low seeding rate of 6.0-7.0kg/hm 2gives better results with seed treatment. Secondly the relation of seeding time, average sand dune height , sand dune density and natural plant cover rate with the plant cover rate after air-seeding was established using the Quantification TheoryⅠ. The results are as follows: ③Suitable seeding time is from May 25 to June 25. ④Land types suitable for air-seeding have average sand dune height between 0-10m, sand dune density below 75%, and a natural plant cover rate of 12-25%.
Journal of Arid Land Resources and Environment