

Chaotic Neural Networks Based Routing Algorithm in ATM Network
摘要 ATM网络中基于给定的VP拓扑结构,提出一种暂态混沌神经网络模型的VC路由算法,通过构造能量函数达到网络资源的有效利用以及路由请求的有效性。仿真表明该算法能根据用户提出的VCC请求,实时、有效地实现VC路由选择和利用网络资源,达到一种路由的全局性能优化。 Based on a given VP topology in ATM network, a VC routing algorithm of transient chaotic neural network is proposed. The network resoures are used effectively and the routing regurements are avaikble by constructing the energy founction. From the simulation results, it can be concluded that the proposed algorithm is both efficient and effective in accordance with the VCC requests in real time VC routing.
作者 常城 刘文
出处 《控制工程》 CSCD 2004年第S2期55-57,74,共4页 Control Engineering of China
关键词 混沌 神经网络 路由 ATM chaos neural network routing ATM
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